Paris Travel Planner   Day Excursions from Paris, France
You can visit Versailles, Chartres, Fontainebleau, Giverny, Disneyland Paris and the Châteaux of the Loire Valley on easy day-trips from Paris by train or car. You can even visit the D-Day beaches of Normandy or Mont St-Michel....




The vast Château de Versailles, extravagant home of the Sun King, Louis XIV, and its sprawling parks and grounds, are a must-see for any visitor to Paris. A short RER train ride gets you there, and you can spend as little as two hours or as much as an entire day. More...

Chateau de Versailles, France
The line to enter the Château de Versailles...


Though not as well known as Notre-Dame de Paris, the Cathédrale de Notre-Dame de Chartres is thought by many to be even more beautiful—especially its splendid stained glass. You can visit it in a long afternoon. More...


Claude Monet lived and painted in Giverny, 75 km (47 miles) northwest of Paris, for 43 years, and many of the period's greatest artists visited and worked here as well. You can see his gardens, house, and more in a half-day or a full-day excursion. More...


Not as grand as Versailles, but with an even deeper, more eventful history, the royal Château de Fontainbleau on the outskirts of Paris makes an excellent half-day excursion. More...

Disneyland Paris

Travel purists may dislike it, but Disneyland Paris delights 16 million visitors a year, most of them French. Like California's Disneyland and Florida's Disney World, it can happily fill far more than a day, but considering the cost of admission you probably don't want to go for less than a full day. It's very easy to reach by train or bus. More...

Château d'Écouen-
Musée Renaissance

The Château d'Écouen-Musée de la Renaissance is a lovely château about 32 km (20 miles) north of Paris. Known for its tapesties, tiles, and furnishings, it makes a great day trip. More...

Loire Valley Châteaux

The châteaux near Paris are fine, but the Loire Valley has hundreds more, all different. Whether you go for a day or a week, you must go! More...

Normandy D-Day Beaches

To fully experience historic Normandy and its D-Day beaches you'll need several days, but if your time is limited, you can actually make a quick visit in a day from Paris. More...

Mont St-Michel

Yes, you can zoom out to the island castle-monastery of Mont St-Michel by fast train and bus, visit for the day, and be back in your Paris hotel room at night. More...

Planning Your Visit to Paris

What to See & Do in Paris

Finding Your Way in Paris

Paris with Children

Pleasures of Paris

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Paris Restaurants

Shopping in Paris

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Paris Girls Secret Society, the new novel by Tom Brosnahan


Hall of Mirrors, Château de versailles, Paris, France

Above, the Hall of Mirrors at the Château
de Versailles
outside Paris, France.

Disneyland Castle, Paris

Above, a different kind of castle...
at Disneyland Paris!

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